
Student Leave Form

For students who need to apply leave, please use this link.

Transport Service

Heritage Academy engages external transport providers, to provide transportation for its students. The School will act as an introductory medium between Parents and Bus Service Operators. Subsequently, parents will liaise and make payment directly with the Operator. For registration of the service, please contact:

Henry Bus Service (Hougang Campus and Thomson Campus)
Mr. Henry Ong

H/P: 8830 6361

San Transport Service (Bukit Gombak Campus)
Mrs. Kumari

H/P: 9834 1104


Our uniform can be purchased from:

Chop Kong Chong
Sembawang Shopping Centre
#02-13, 604 Sembawang Rd
Singapore 758459

Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 11.30am to 8pm
Sun: 11.30am to 6pm

Phone: 6753 1489
