Sister of Ambil Nel Pacana

I would like to share this testimony of appreciation to Heritage Academy. Early this year my mom succumbed to cancer at a young age of 56. She left behind a loving husband and 7 kids including my 11-year-old youngest brother, I am the eldest of the family. On her death bed she specifically requested me to take care of my youngest brother. After my mom’s demise, it was my mission to bring my brother here to Singapore and continue his studies here to fulfil my mom’s last wishes.
During this time, I was still in doubt if this is even possible since as we all know it is difficult to get a long term pass here more so that my brother is not my legal dependent.
I have known about Heritage Academy since 2015 because my eldest son is already attending to this school. I approached Mrs Susan Lau about my concern, and she confirmed that they can help me on this. She then created a WhatsApp group and formed a team that can assist me on the steps to do, documentations and all the other necessities. 2 months later, my brother’s Student Pass was approved by ICA.
I am incredibly grateful to Heritage Academy staff for all the help. Especially to the team who assisted me to get my brother’s Student Pass, Mr and Mrs Lau, Ms. Pauline, Ms Luna and Ms Ting Na. May God bless you and the school more always!